Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of games played at GameCon? GameCon hosts tournaments, including Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Pokemon. We also host roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and many more. We also host a wide variety of other board games, card games, and miniature war games. In addition to games, GameCon hosts cosplay, comic book artists, authors, vendors, and special guests. Can Adults Play? No, GameCon games and events are only for teens. However, parents may spectate. Does GameCon cost money for admission? Our in-person events are inexpensively priced. The price of admission for GameCon XVI is $15. As part of admission, students receive lunch, free gaming materials, and a whole days of games and events. Who manages GameCon? GameCon is managed by a group of educators in the Pikes Peak region. GameCon is organized as a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) corporation. Are GameCon events supervised? GameCon involves many licensed educators. We always have educators circulating among the games, and we always arrange for a licensed school principal to attend each event. |